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The Panel for Wednesday 15 February 2017
One Quick Question for 15 February 2017
3:48 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 15 February 2017
3:53 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Cas Carter and Nevil Gibson (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Christchurch like Armagaddon Murry Chong's facebook post about Te Reo opens up a wider issue of people being told what they can and can't say on social media sites. Pike River mine victims' families… Read more Audio
The Panel with Cas Carter and Nevil Gibson (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Dubai looks to be futuristic and introduce passenger drones to ferry people around. What panelists Cas Carter and Nevil Gibson have been up to. Employment lawyer Kathyrn Dalziel joins the discussion… Read more Audio
Murray Chong post raises questions over social media sharing
4:16 PM.Murry Chong's facebook post about Te Reo opens up a wider issue of people being told what they can and can't say on social media sites. Audio
The government is meeting again on Pike River re-entry
4:21 PM.Pike River mine victims' families are meeting with the Prime Minister over re-entry into the mine. Audio
Greens play along with Labour in Ohariu Belmont electorate
4:24 PM.Labour does a deal with the Greens in Ohariu-Belmont so there's no Green Party candidate standing against Andrew Little. Audio
Former Prime Minister speaks about staying true to NZ
4:25 PM.The panel discusses what the hidden meaning could be behind former PM John Key saying he's not comfortable being on the board of an American airline. Audio
More on fires surrounding Christchurch
4:25 PM.More evacuations happening, we cross to panelist Sue Wells. Audio
Passenger drones are to be up and running in Dubai soon
4:33 PM.Dubai looks to be futuristic and introduce passenger drones to ferry people around. Audio
Oz company accused of over the top motivation tactics
4:43 PM.Employment lawyer Kathyrn Dalziel joins the discussion about an Australian company accused of overstepping the mark with motivational tactics to meet sales targets. Audio
AirBnB causing tensions in Rotorua.
4:53 PM.Reynold MacPherson from Rotorua Ratepayers and Resident speaks to the Panel about ongoing problems with AirBnB operations. Audio
Hotdesking is counter productive according to new research
4:57 PM.New research from the UK shows that hot desking is counter productive to innovation and problem solving by employees. Audio