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The Panel for Tuesday 14 February 2017
One Quick Question for 14 February 2017
3:47 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 14 February 2017
3:52 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Julia Hartley-Moore and Ben Thomas (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Reporter Conan Young has the latest news on the fires surrounding Christchurch city. Sally Hughes from the Character Coalition joins the panel to talk about losing the fight to preserve the heritage… Read more Audio
The Panel with Julia Hartley-Moore and Ben Thomas (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Auckland librarian Karen Craig joins the discussion on what books are mostly borrowed from our libraries compared with the UK. What panelists Julia Hartley-Moore and Ben Thomas have been up to… Read more Audio
Chch reporter Conan Young gives an update on the fires
4:08 PM.Reporter Conan Young has the latest news on the fires surrounding Christchurch city. Audio
Heritage group loses the battle for quality over quantity
4:14 PM.Sally Hughes from the Character Coalition joins the panel to talk about losing the fight to preserve the heritage of Auckland's houses. Audio
Injury rate at Christchurch bike park causing concern
4:23 PM.Patrick Morgan of the Cycling Action Network joins the panel on the high injury rate at a Christchurch bike park. Audio
Christchurch fires - Helicopter crash update
4:27 PM.Reporter Joelle Dally at the Police media briefing. Audio
Concerns about a former Mugabe police officer
4:29 PM.Questions are being asked about how a former member of Robert Mugabe's secret police managed to get here on a false passport. Audio
Akld librarian talks about our most borrowed books
4:33 PM.Auckland librarian Karen Craig joins the discussion on what books are mostly borrowed from our libraries compared with the UK. Audio
Panel Says
4:41 PM.What panelists Julia Hartley-Moore and Ben Thomas have been up to. Audio
Petition to parliament on restrictions for foreign drivers
4:48 PM.Journalist Karen Rutherford, who was hit by a foreign driver, joins the panel to talk about her support for a petition presented to parliament today on foreign driver restrictions. Audio
The Panel discuss what they are doing for Valentine's day
4:56 PM.The panelists explain what they are doing to mark Valentine's Day. Audio
Clamp down on self check outs in Australia
4:58 PM.Australian supermarkets are moving to restrict self check outs as due the increasing amount of theft and stealing. Audio