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The Panel for Monday 30 January 2017
One Quick Question for 30 January 2017
3:47 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 30 January 2017
3:54 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Ali Jones and Selwyn Manning (Part 1)
4:03 PM.The panel disects the state-of-the-nation address by Andrew Little which Labour teamed up with the Greens to gain more attention. Should our Prime Minister take a stand on Trumps Immigration ban and… Read more Audio
The Panel with Ali Jones and Selwyn Manning (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Speaking to loved ones in the after life in a phone box has become a source of comfort for Japanese families mourning the loved ones they lost in the 2011 tsunami. What panelists Ali Jones and Selwyn… Read more Audio
Andrew Little's declaration on the state of the nation.
4:08 PM.The panel disects the state-of-the-nation address by Andrew Little which Labour teamed up with the Greens to gain more attention. Audio
Should Bill English make a statement about Donald Trump
4:13 PM.Should our Prime Minister take a stand on Trumps Immigration ban and is it legal? The panel wades through the issues of the U.S presidents controversial executive order. Wellington Psychologist Sarb… Read more Audio
Economist talks about whether immigration is working well
4:23 PM.Former special economics advisor to the reserve bank Michael Reddell joins the discussion on what the benefits of immigration are to New Zealand rather than just how we feel about the increased… Read more Audio
Staying in touch with loved ones who've passed away
4:33 PM.Speaking to loved ones in the after life in a phone box has become a source of comfort for Japanese families mourning the loved ones they lost in the 2011 tsunami. Audio
Panel Says
4:36 PM.What panelists Ali Jones and Selwyn Manning have been up to Audio
Kapiti man's frustrated by a call to trim his hedge
4:43 PM.Vince Osborne's family planted the hedge on their Waikanae property in the 1930s and the family is now fighting to stop it being cut back. Vince joins the the panel to talk about the complaints which… Read more Audio
Festival organisers back down on a gay friendly stall
4:53 PM.Peter Lineham, who's associate professor of history specialising in religion looks at the latest stand off between a Christian musical festival and a gay friendly stall at the event being told that it… Read more Audio
Are anniversary day public holidays still relevant?
4:57 PM.There's a question mark over whether or not city anniversary day holidays are still relevant. The panel discusses whether or not they have lost their significance and should be replaced with a day off… Read more Audio