Summer Weekends for Saturday 16 January 2021
8.12 Update from the United States
With days until the Biden Inauguration, we get an update on the latest news coming out of the United States with Washington correspondent Simon Marks.
Photo: 2020 Getty Images
8.22 The importance of pen pals for prisoners
The Prisoner Correspondence Network Aotearoa aims to help inmates establish connections with people on the outside, offering a lifeline to prisoners during what can be an isolating and scary time. Ti Lamusse from PCNA joins the show to explain more about how it works and why it’s important.
Photo: PCN Aotearoa / Facebook
8.36 The Detail: Avatar
On The Weekend we're featuring some of the best episodes of The Detail from throughout the year. In this one, Avatar producer Jon Landau talks to Sharon Brettkelly about making blockbuster sequels in New Zealand - far away from home, during a pandemic.
9.06 DIY: How to eliminate filler words from your speech
Most of us are guilty of using filler words like “um” or “you know” when speaking, but is it really a problem? And how do we go about changing our habits to cut down the amount of filler words we use. Jane Sheffield from Effective Speaking guides us through some ways to make our speech more clear and impactful.
Photo: 123rf
9.20 At the Museum: Whakamana Cannabis Museum
Over summer we are chatting to some of the people that run quirky or unusual museums around the country. This week, we chat with Abe Gray from the Whakamana Cannabis Museum. Abe founded the museum in Dunedin in 2013, and it has followed him around ever since. Now the museum is stepping into its fourth iteration in the capital city.
Photo: Supplied
9.40 Goneville: Episode 7
Nick Bollinger was just 18 when he went on the road with the band Rough Justice and its smoky-voiced, charismatic leader Rick Bryant. The next two years were sometimes uplifting and exciting, other times enervating and depressing. Often, though, the band was short of money, food, shelter, and petrol - for its increasingly ramshackle, broken-down bus. Written and told by Nick Bollinger.
10.04 Matt Elliott: stories that made New Zealand a sailing nation
With the Prada Cup underway as a precursor to the America's Cup Race next month, it's a great time to reflect on some of the nautical history that's cemented New Zealand as a sailing nation. Author Matt Elliott has collected some of those stories in his latest book, With The Wind Behind Us.
Photo: Supplied
10.30 Are aliens walking among us?
In the wake of the chaotic American elections and a global pandemic, many people have joked that it’s probably about time aliens landed on Earth. Chris Impey is a Distinguished Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona and has penned eight popular science books, and he has even taught cosmology to Tibetan monks. He joins The Weekend to discuss UFOs and the possibility of alien life on Earth.
Photo: 123RF
11.04 The Through Line #5
Karyn takes us on a musical journey from Womb to Massive Attack, think six degrees of separation.
The Through Line #5 playlist
Womb - Dust to Dust
Alexa Casino - Erase Embrace
Brownboymagik - Duo (Feat Rayne)
Coco Solid - Just One Kiss
Flight of the Conchords - Business Time
Ladytron - Seventeen
Erasure - Love You To The Sky (Ladytron remix)
Erasure - Blue Savannah
Yazoo - Only You
Goldfrapp - Strict Machine
Tricky - Pumpkin
Massive Attack - Unfinished Symphony