Sunday, 3 November 2013
Kororia ki te atua kei runga
Maungarongo ki te whenua
Whakaaro pai ki nga tangata Katoa
Glory to God on high
Peace on earth and good will to all mankind
This week’s whakatāuki is explained by Rangi Kipa Te Ati Awa, Ngāti Maniapoto.
Taranaki artist Gabrielle Belz credits her dad with sparking her interest in art. Specialising in printmaking and painting, her work has been exhibited in New York, Canada and widely in New Zealand. In an interview with Justine Murray she talks about her earlier methods using hinu (fat dripping) and a few of her large scale projects.
First Nations representatives and tangata whenua here have exchanged ideas dealing with tribal members, who end up in trouble with the law. A group of 20 first nation delegates visited Aotearoa recently to learn about how Māori incorporate their culture into New Zealand society, from the health sector to the justice system. Rosemary Rangitauira talks to Canadian delegates Marilyn Slett, and Michael and Leslie Bonshor.
In the archival segment, Nga Tāonga korero, Herewini Murupaenga interviews Dick Scott, the author of the book Ask that Mountain, and Mataarena Raumati-Rau talks about a few of the Parihaka waiata.