Sunday, 4 December 2011
He Po tu atu, He Ao pāhurehure
By night assembled, by day scattered
Whakatauki explained by Hone Oneroa nō Rangitane ki Wairarapa
Judging by the generational spread of Ngāti Mutunga at their exhibition opening Mutunga: Our Legacy, Our Challenge, Our Future the Iwi appears in good health. Given their history, it’s not something they take for granted as Maraea Rakuraku discovers when she meets some of the whānau that includes, Jamie Tuuta, Dion Tuuta and Miriama Evans.
If tourists can distinguish between tā moko (as a legitimate expression of identity) and tattoo. What’s the deal with Christchurch bars who, can’t see the difference and associate the Māori artform with Gangs? It’s all part of a conversation Justine Murray has with tā moko artist Mark Kopua before she marvels at the work of weavers whom are part of Te Roopu raranga whatu o Aotearoa.