Sunday, 6 March 2011
06 March 2011
"Ahakoa kei hea Ahakoa ahea Ahakoa pehea - Kōrero Māori"
No matter where, No matter when, no matter how - Speak Māori
This week's whakatāuki is explained by Piri Sciascia nō Ngāti Kahungunu, Kai Tahu.
He mihi tēnei ki te whanau whānui ki Otautahi. Nei ra te tuku mihi ki a koutou katoa. Mai i te hunga kaumatua tae noa atu ki nga pēpi e noho nei ki Te Waipounamu - Ka tukuna e matou te aroha ki a koutou. Ma te atua e tiaki e manaaki.
Is crafting the new black? That's just one of the questions Maraea Rakuraku asks Feathersto-based Natalie Friend whose felted mohair ball business is quite literally a hit with SAHM (Stay-at-home-Mums) weary of the over enthusiastic throwing abilities of toddlers.
Natalie's fur balls.
Maire Friend holding fur balls fish.
Justine Murray talks with Piri Sciascia about the role the Māori Broadcasting Funding Agency, Te Mangai Pāho plays in supporting Māori broadcasting.
Puawai Cairns is the latest addition to the curatorial staff of the Mātauranga Māori team at Te Papa Tongarewa. Justine Murray joins her at the museum on the day of her pōwhiri.
At his poroporaki in 1967, Brigadier Sir Bernard Fergusson (1911-1980) who was the Governor General of New Zealand from 1962-1967, demonstrates his love of te reo Māori
Waiata featured:
Carve me with your eyes by Te Rakau Hua o te Wao Tapu from the album Kia Maumahara (1994); Over the Rainbow/ I'm always chasing rainbows by Elizabeth Marvelly from the album Home (2010)