Sunday, 30 August 2009
30 Here-turi Kōka (August) 2009
"Tāmaki herenga waka"
Tāmaki, the place of many waka
Since it opened over a month ago Rotorua hairdressing salon, Crazzy Critters has seen over 100 clients. Not bad when the business is focussed solely on the treatment and removal of head lice. Maraea Rakuraku meets with owner/operator Jackie Mutu while she's busy at work.
Jackie Mutu and client Ngahuia Tait at Crazzy Critters
It didn't feel so much as a betrayal but a sense of déjà vu when Ngāti whatua iwi, learned that mana whenua seats will not be set aside for Māori in the Auckland supercity council structure. Ngāti Whātua spokesperson Ngarimu Blair, speaks about that announcement made by Prime Minister, John Key earlier this week. Helen Te Hira one of the power houses behind IHI (Iwi Have Influence) website provides some insight into the processes involved in mobilising Māori on and off-line.
Ngāti Raukawa Wiremu Barriball finds the work ethic he brought to his musicianship transfers over well to his career as a shoe designer in his business, TU AKE. While touring his studio Justine Murray questions Barriball about the pros and cons of the fashion business and being named overall winner of the MIROMODA Māori Fashion Awards.