Sunday, 23 November 2008
23 Whiringa a Rangi (November) 2008
"Tōitu he whenua, whatungarongaro te tangata."The land is forever, but eventually man disappears
Voiced and explanation by Regan Murray
Ana Tapiata talks to Tom Calma, the Race Discrimination Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission. Calma, whose Aboriginal tribes are Kungarakan (on his mother's side) and Iwaidja, (on his father's side) - both from the tribal areas south-west of Darwin - has worked in indigenous affairs for thirty-five years, in both the private and public sectors. At a time when political history is being made around the world, what is the political future of the Aborigine people? Calma tells Ana Tapiata that he is encouraged by the current Australian government, but, though many Aboriginal people welcomed Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's apology, there is a long way to go.
'Nga hau e wha' means 'from all four winds'. In Māori terms, this can mean from all four corners of the country. That was the thinking behind the construction of Nga Hau e Wha National Marae in Christchurch, a marae that welcomes all iwi, not just iwi from the Ōtautahi area. Justine talks to Pete Mason (Ngati Porōu, Ngai Tahu) and Kaumatua Mike Kaui (Ngati Porōu) at Nga Hau e Wha Marae.
Right: The roro (front area) of Whare Tipuna Aoraki.
Left: Hosts Mike Kaui (Ngati Porou) and Pete Mason (Ngati Porou,Ngai Tahu) of Nga Hau e Wha marae.
Right: Te whare wananga hosts the Maori magic evenings.
Contemporary carvings and tuku inside the Whare Tipuna Aoraki.
In Ngā Tāonga Korero, our archival segment, Henare te Ua presents part one of a two part series in which Sir Tipene O'Regan presented a lecture series in 1987 about the boundaries of the iwi Kai Tahu and the origins of the tribes in the South Island.
Nga Kupu Hou (new words in this week's Te Ahi Kaa)
Pouhaki - flagpole
Whare wānanga - a place of learning
Kirikiri - gravel
Māumahara - remember or in remembrance of
Powhiri - a welcome ceremony held on a marae
Timatanga - begin
Katorika - Catholic
Weteriana - Methodist
Iwa rau - 900
Mārena - marriage
Kaiwhakāiro - wood carver
Waiata featured include:
Korakorako - Ariana Tikao