30 Jul 2017

Wallace cooks Kua Gai

From Sunday Morning, 11:30 am on 30 July 2017

(Recipe courtesy of head chef Lek Trirattanavatin from Saan restaurant, Auckland)
Makes 2 portions
300g fresh, flat rice noodles
200g chicken thigh chopped
4 eggs
2 tsp chopped garlic
2 tbsp preserved cabbage
2 tsp brown sugar
2 tsp fish sauce
large pinch white pepper
2 tbsp canola oil
2 tbsp Sriracha sauce
1 spring onion finely sliced.
3 large butterhead lettuce leaves, roughly sliced.
1. In a hot wok fry the garlic with oil, Add in the chicken thigh and fry until cooked
2. Add eggs.
3. Spread the eggs around the wok to lightly scramble.
4. Add the noodles and season with sauces. Turn up the heat to high so it gives off a charring smell.
5. Arrange on a plate on top of lettuce and serve with extra Sriracha.
6. Eat with gusto.
* You can get Sriracha sauce your local Asian supermarket.

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