Sounds Historical for Sunday 7 November 2010
8:09 Today in New Zealand History -1912
The appointment of a Public Service Commissioner.
8:17 Wreck of Wairarapa October 29 1894
the involvement of the Salvation Army.
8:25 Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly) (Morley/Daniel)
Dinah Shore with the Harry Zimmerman Orchestra CD CBS AAD 45109
8:30 Oliver Duff - A Portrait From Life, a biographical interview
Part 2: Anglo- =Boer War, religious issues and becoming a swagman, enters journalism, journalistic career, the effects of newspapers on general level of literacy, wisdom of age, and his return to the land. Recorded 14 June 1955
8:45 Blue Velvet Band (Snow)
Garner Wayne and the Saddle Pals Viking VE 139 1964
8:52 Kaimai Tunnel Rescue in February 1970
News reports and interviews.
9:07 As I Remember
Memories of a Milk Boy by Viv Hanson of Ashburton, read by Rob Webb.
9:14 As I Remember
SS Claymore by Alec Hutchinson of New Plymouth, read by Gavin McGinley.
9:17 FBI
The Shadows RNZ CD
9:20 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Haast Road
Extract from an Alwyn Owen documentary about Haast township during the building of the road.
9:29 Haast Road opening ceremony - 12 November 1960
Various speakers including Minister of Works Hugh Watt.
9:38 Pasadena
The Temperence Seven RNZ CD
9:41 Book of the Week
The North Shore - an illustrated history by David Verran
Random House
ISBN 978 1 86979 312 8