Navigation for Sounds Historical

Sounds Historical for Sunday 16 November 2008

8:08 Intro

8:10 Today in New Zealand History

The First Conscription Ballot this day in 1916.

8:14 Invercargill (Gillespie)

Mike Harding
CD NZ2000 5'18"

8:20 Bookshop

Compiled and presented by Sarah Campion with reviews by Dorothy White of Dunedin and Prof James Rutherford of Auckland. Extracts from a 1950s book review programme.

8:33 A Sound Life

Peter Downes remembers his 60 years in radio production. (Episode 8)

9:00 News

9:05 As I Remember

The Week that Was #2. Tuesday - The Grocery List, by Judith Tait and read by Alison Lloyd Davies.

9:09 Come to the Supermarket (Porter)

Barbara Streisand
LP CBS 466 342

9:11 Homework

Your favourite New Zealand piece of music.

9:12 Bookshelf: First Catch Your Weka - a story of New Zealand cooking by David Veart

Auckland University Press

9:14 Nigel Isaacs on New Zealand Building History

Episode 2: Smelling and Yellow
The Biggest Aspidistra in the World (Haines)
Gracie Fields

9:22 Should I? (Freed)

The Tahiwis (from the 1930 film "Lord Byron of Broadway")
CD Atoll A 9801

9:25 Book of the Week: Ngaio Marsh - her life in crime by Joanne Drayton

Jim Sullivan introduces a 1950s talk by Ngaio Marsh and talks to Joanne Drayton about her book.
ISBN 978-1-86950-635-3