This page lists books by writers interviewed on Saturday Morning with Kim Hill, or books discussed by Kim and a guest. Books are usually published in the current year, or the one previous, except where noted. The most recent programme is at the top.

31 October

Humans Are Underrated: What High Achievers Know That Brilliant Machines Never Will
by Geoff Colvin
(Nicholas Brealey Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-85788-638-2)

by Craig Smith, illustrated by Scott Tulloch
(Craig Smith, ISBN: 9780473328351)

Real Modern: Everyday New Zealand in the 1950s and 1960s
by Bronwyn Labrum
(Te Papa Press, ISBN: 978-0-9941041-7-5)

Poetry with Gregory O'Brien:

Expecting Miracles
by Peter Bland
(Steele Roberts, ISBN: 978-1-927242-90-2)

Collected Poems 1956-2011
by Peter Bland
(Steele Roberts, ISBN: 978-1-877577-99-4)

24 October

Gorillas In Our Midst
by Richard Fairgray
(SkyPony Press, ISBN: 9781632206077)
also author of the Blastosaurus comic book series and many other publications

Vernacular: the Everyday Landscape of New Zealand
by Philip Smith and David Straight
(Potter and Burton, ISBN: 978-1-92721-349-0).

17 October

PostCapitalism: a Guide to Our Future
by Paul Mason
(Allen Lane, ISBN: 9781846147388)

10 October

Snow on the Lindis
by Madge Snow and Bee Dawson
(Random House New Zealand, ISBN: 978-1-77553-792-2)

The Back of His Head
by Patrick Evans
(Victoria University Press, ISBN 978-1-77656-046-2)

From the Cutting Room of Barney Kettle
by Kate De Goldi
(Longacre, ISBN: 978-1-77553-576-8)

3 October

Andy Griffiths:
His books include The Day My Bum Went Psycho, and the Just! series with illustrator Terry Denton. His latest series with Denton started in 2011 with The 13-Storey Treehouse, and is now up to the fifth book, The 65-Storey Treehouse (Pan, ISBN: 9781743537411).

Kate's Klassic:
The Year of Magical Thinking, the 2005 memoir by Joan Didion