5 Aug 2023

Dr Cady Coleman: the loneliness of life in space

From Saturday Morning, 10:30 am on 5 August 2023
Dr Cady Coleman

Dr Cady Coleman Photo: supplied

Beyond our romanticized vision of space exploration is a day-to-day life of physical and social isolation and confinement in an unnatural environment of microgravity and artificial light.

New documentary Space: The Longest Goodbye follows NASA psychologist Dr. Al Holland, tasked with studying and mitigating the threat loneliness poses to missons. 

It's a particularly urgent task as NASA intends to send astronauts to Mars in the next decade - a voyage that will entail a three-year separation, with no real-time communication with Earth.

One of the subjects of the film is Dr. Cady Coleman, a former NASA astronaut who has spent more than 180 days on the International Space Station, separated from her husband and her young son Jamey.

Space: The Longest Goodbye screens in Auckland,  WellingtonChristchurch and Dunedin as part of Whānau Mārama: New Zealand International Film Festival. 


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