Mike Hewson
Photo: supplied
NZ born civil engineer turned installation artist Mike Hewson thinks that safe playgrounds are dangerous for children.
A firm belief that risk and challenge are fundamental to human development has led him to create some extraordinary sculpture park playgrounds, including the recently opened 'Rocks on Wheels' in Melbourne.
He also created a series of works on buildings and structures damaged by the Christchurch earthquakes, which he experienced first hand.
Hewson gained a Masters in Fine Arts from Columbia University in 2016. In Australia his awards have included two national Playspace Of The Year Awards, in 2020 and 2018 respectively.

Rocks On Wheels sculpture park playground - Melbourne (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

Rocks On Wheels sculpture park playground - Melbourne (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

Rocks On Wheels sculpture park playground - Melbourne (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

St Peters Fences, Simpson Park, NSW. A permanent public artwork playground comprised of fences based on those from local demolished homes. (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

St Peters Fences (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

Illawarra Placed Landscape, Crown Street Mall Wollongong. (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

Illawarra Placed landscape (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

Pockets Park, 2022 in Pioneers Memorial Park - Sydney. Built from plastic buckets, reused building materials and hard waste from the council depot. (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

Central Park in Progress 2014 - Digital print on low-tack adhesive vinyl, permanent sign structure, 3 no. 3D-leafy full suits
Central Park, New York City (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

Homage to the lost spaces series - (Government Life Building studios 2012 - Christchurch) (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)

Tony D in the Doorway 2012 - Digital print on exterior of earthquake damaged building
Cnr Kilmore & Montreal Ave, Christchurch CBD, (PHOTO: Mike Hewson)