Photo: Supplied
On Friday 18 November Nick Bevin was made a Distinguished Fellow of Te Kāhui Whaihanga, New Zealand Institute of Architects at the New Zealand Architecture Awards.
A Distinguished Fellow is recognised by as being an exceptional influence on or contributor to architecture in New Zealand. There may be no more than 10 Distinguished Fellows at any time.
It recognises not just Bevin’s own long award-winning career as an architect, but his substantial work in saving our modern public architectural heritage.
Central to this has been his work since late 2009 caring for the Futuna Chapel, in Wellington’s Karori. A John Scott building now widely regarded as one of our national architectural treasures, Bevin was at its opening aged six.
Bevin was inspired to take up architecture after meeting the late Sir Ian Athfield, and it was Athfield who encouraged him to become involved with Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. Bevin was appointed an independent member to the Rārangi Kōrero/Listing committee in 2015 and has supported the listing of a number of significant modern buildings including Roger Walker’s Whakatane Airport, Wellington Library and the Christchurch Town Hall.