5 Sep 2020

The shared genetics of cancer and placenta growth

From Saturday Morning, 11:25 am on 5 September 2020
Erin Macaulay

Erin Macaulay Photo: supplied

Dr Erin Macaulay is passionate about placentas.

The Otago University academic studies the epigenetics of early human development and is intrigued by the fact that placentas display similar growth genes to cancer.

Placentas stop growing when some of these invasive genes get switched off through a process called DNA methylation.

So why does cancer just keep on growing, and not stop in a similar fashion?

By investigating these placental genes and DNA methylation she hopes to better understand tumour growth, knowledge that one day could even be used to develop new cancer treatments.

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Photo: unsplash /Paulo de Souza Oliveira

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