17 Nov 2018

Damian Skinner - Profile of artist Theo Schoon

From Saturday Morning, 8:10 am on 17 November 2018

8:09  Damian Skinner - Profile of dyspeptic, influential émigré artist Theo Schoon

Damian Skinner

Damian Skinner Photo: Victoria University

Damian Skinner is an art historian, writer and former museum curator. He is interested in the history of cultural contact between Māori and Pākehā and the relationship between art and politics in Aotearoa New Zealand. His latest book is a profile of irascible émigré artist Theo Schoon, called Theo Schoon: A Biography. The book, says Skinner, shines a light on Schoon's significant contribution to art and culture in New Zealand, not least his championing of Māori art. 


Theo Schoon: art and life