4 Aug 2018

Paora Joseph - The pain of suicide for whanau in Maui's Hook

From Saturday Morning, 9:06 am on 4 August 2018

Paora Te Oti Takarangi Joseph is of Atihau-a-Papaarangi and Nga Rauru descent, from Kaiwhaiki Pa, near Whanganui. His first job was as a youth worker on the streets of South Auckland, which led him to train as a clinical psychologist. He later worked as an actor with renowned Maori filmmaker Don Selwyn on plays for theatre. Selwyn encouraged him to become a director, which led to Joseph making Hiding Behind the Green Screen (2010), Tatarikihi - The Children of Parihaka (2012), Te Awa Tupua - Voices from the River (2014) and now a suicide docudrama, Maui's Hook, screening around the country at the New Zealand International Film Festival.

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