26 Mar 2016

Jonathan Bamber: ice sheets and sea level rise

From Saturday Morning, 8:12 am on 26 March 2016
Thurston Island, off West Antarctica

Photo: NASA/Jim Yungel / CC BY 2.0

Climate change is upon us, and unless we can keep global warming below 2 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels we will need to move to higher ground as ice melt raises the sea level – that's the scientific consensus, roughly.

But there is not much agreement on how fast.

Jonathan Bamber

Jonathan Bamber. Photo: supplied

Professor Jonathan Bamber is an international expert on ice sheets and sea level rise. He talks with Kim Hill about challenges personal and planetary:

Jonathan Bamber is Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Bristol, President Elect of the European Geo Sciences Union, and an international expert on the thinning polar ice sheets and projections on sea level rise. He is visiting New Zealand as a guest of The Antarctic Report, and is keynote conference speaker at Managing the Impact of Sea Level Rise in New Zealand - Implementing Adaptation Strategies (8 April, AUT University).

In this interview Professor Bamber refers to the work of New Zealand scientist Tim Naish - Kim Hill spoke with him last year.

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