Nine To Noon for Friday 12 June 2020
09:05 Transmission Gully, calls for inquiry
Construction at the Transmission Gully site. Photo: Supplied
Amalgamated Workers' Union Northern National Secretary Maurice Davis tells Lynn Freeman he wants an inquiry into PPP's (Public Private Partnerships) procurement process, suggesting there should be a single desk procurement agency in place. This follows concerns about Transmission Gully's cost blow out, its members' recent wait to get back to work on the billion dollar twenty-seven km stretch of motorway north of Wellington, NZ's biggest ever PPP, which has been troubled by contractors leaving before lock-down, and whose completion date is as yet unclear.
09:15 Church abuse survivors implore others to tell their story to Commission
The Ledingham brothers: Christopher (L),Mike (back) and Gerry (R) Photo: supplied
Two survivors of abuse in the Catholic church are imploring others to come forward and share their stories with the Royal Commission of inquiry. After lobbying by religious groups and church abuse survivors two years ago, the Commission on Abuse in care was expanded to include religious institutions - not just state. The first public hearings for these survivors have been set down for three weeks from late November. Mike Ledingham and Steve Goodlass experienced abuse in two Catholic diocese. They tell Lynn Freeman the Church and other faith-based institutions must be held to account for the abuse suffered by many, and that requires the weight of the voices of many survivors.
09:30 Building back better - and green - post-Covid
Governments around the world are spending trillons right now to save and repair their economies during the Covid-19 pandemic - but the big question is, how do you spend it wisely? The government's Budget last month included a $50b Covid-recovery fund, including $3b for "shovel-ready" infrastructure projects. There have been multiple calls for those projects to have a green focus , and that very issue - how to ensure New Zealand's recovery is well-balanced with key environment goals - was the subject of a meeting yesterday of 65 corporate and public sector leaders - called the Fenwick Forum. Lynn talks to the co-chair of the Aotearoa Circle which hosted the Forum, Vicky Robertson, and environmentalist Sir Jonathon Porritt, who's analysed what some governments are doing to reflate their economies - while taking climate goals into account.
Photo: 123RF
09:45 Asia correspondent Elizabeth Beattie
In Japan protesters have taken to the streets to demonstrate against police brutality both in solidarity with Black Lives Matter but also to call attention to a recent case of alleged police brutality in Tokyo. Although Hong Kong's Tiananmen Square Massacre vigil was banned by police citing Covid-19 concerns, many flouted the rules and came together to light candles in streets and in parks, and North Korea and South Korea halt communication.
People respecting the social distancing rules during the Tiananmen Square vigil remembrance in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Photo: 2020 Miguel Candela / Anadolu Agency
Elizabeth Beattie is a Journalist at Thomson Reuters, based in Hong Kong
10:05 Extracting venom from deadly snakes: Paul Rowley
Paul Rowley holding a Rhino viper Photo: GHS Townsley. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Paul Rowley is the Herpetologist at the Centre for Snake Bite Research and Intervention at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and for the last 26 years has been the only person in the United Kingdom routinely extracting venom from deadly snakes. The venom extracted is used to develop therapies to treat snake bite victims around the world. Paul has been on the receiving end of a few bites but estimates the venom he's extracted has been responsible for saving tens of thousands of lives in Sub-Saharan Africa.
10:35 Book review - Footprints: In Search of Future Fossils by David Farrier
Photo: David Farrier / Fourth Estate
Tilly Lloyd from Unity Books, Wellington, reviews Footprints: In Search of Future Fossils by David Farrier. Published by Fourth Estate.
What will the world look like ten thousand or ten million years from now? From long-lived materials like plastic and nuclear waste, to the 50 million kilometres of roads spanning the planet, in modern times we have created numerous objects and landscapes with the potential to endure through deep time. Through literature, art and science, Footprints invites us to think about how we will be remembered in the myths, stories and languages of our distant descendants.
10:45 The Reading
Rocking Horse Road by Carl Nixon read by Jason Whyte (final)
No web rights
11:05 New music with Jeremy Taylor - an NZ playlist
An all-NZ selection, including a compilation of Kiwi primitive exotica, new music from the poptastic King Sweeties, and outtake gems from Kiwi rock royalty The Phoenix Foundation.
Photo: Album Cover
11:30 Sports commentator Sam Ackerman - Super Rugby and more
The start of the Super Rugby competition, with NZ teams versus NZ teams only. Interest in playing Australian and South African teams has been waning for years, but now thanks to COVID, it's all local. Also a joint NZ bid with Australia is the front runner to host the prestigious FIFA Women's World Cup in 2023, now in a head to head race with Japan.
Photo: Photosport Ltd
11:45 The week that was with
Our comedians Te Radar and Irene Pink
Music played in this show
Track: Weekend in the Dust
Artist: David Byrne and St Vincent
Time: 10:34
Track: Humanised
Artist: Sola Rosa & Bajka
Time: 11.45