Nine To Noon for Friday 31 August 2018
09:05 Are used car buyers getting the full picture?
Photo: AFP
Moves are underway to give motorists who unwittingly buy damaged used vehicles, a full history including whether they've been written off in crashes overseas, including the establishment of a centralised damage register.Currently, consumers may not be told specifically if a car or motorbike they're looking at has been damaged, if the information is not captured on its Consumer Information Notice or CIN. Now an industry wide group are pushing for changes. Craig Pomare is the CEO of the Motor Trade Association and David Vinsen - CEO of Vehicle Importers' Association
09:20 Wipe it out. Environment campaigners' wet wipes plea
Campaigners say supermarkets like New World which provide wipes near shopping trollies must stop the practice, as its bad for the environment and is also scaremongering customers into unnecessary behaviour. They're also calling out work places which hand out wipes indiscriminately around the office and in bathrooms. Earlier this year, the UK government announced it will ban all disposable wipes, within 25 years. So should New Zealand follow suit - and in the mean time should the likes of supermarkets and employers be more responsible around the behaviour they encourage? Emily Frost is the Science Advisor for Our Seas Our Future.
Supermarket wipes Photo: Melita Tull
09:30 Section 501: coming home sweet home?
Photo: Supplied
Under Section 501 of Australia's Migration Act all non-citizens who fail a character test are sent home. Hour-long documentary Section 501, to be screened on Māori TV on Monday September 3rd, follows deportees Mark and Josh as they try to reintegrate into New Zealand. They are helped by Auckland based charity, People at Risks Solutions, or PARS. Over 1,300 Kiwis have been deported to New Zealand in the past 3 years, with more set to come. Mark tells us there are "hundreds of boys waiting to come back here". PARS Project Manager Tracey Mouat and filmmaker and director of Section 501 Prisca Bouchet speak to Kathryn Ryan.
09:45 India's south west flooding toll
Ed White reports from Asia on the worst flooding in south west India in decades, and pressure mounts on Aung San Suu Kyi.
Residents wade through flood waters to their marooned houses Photo: AFP
10:05 Yaba Badoe: Freedom & finding your place in the world
Yaba Badoe Photo: Word Christchurch
With a strong background in documentary making Yaba Badoe is a dual British and Ghanaian citizen, who's passionate about portraying women's lives in an authentic way. She was one of 50 writers to be commissioned by this year's Edinburgh International Book Festival to write about what freedom means to them. Her documentaries include The Witches of Gambaga, and The Art of Ama Ata Aidoo. In 2014 she was nominated for a Distinguished Woman of African Cinema Award. Her debut YA novel 'A Jigsaw of Fire and Stars', was crafted in 2015 when the migrant crisis in Europe came to a head.
Yaba Badoe and her work will appear at four events at the WORD Christchurch Festival.
10:35 Unity Books review - The Silence of The Girls by Pat Barker
Melanie O'Loughlin from Unity Books reviews The Silence of The Girls by Pat Barker, published by Penguin Random House
"Barker turns her attention to the women featured in the mythical story of the Iliad. Summoning the voice of Briseis, a Trojan Princess wrested from her home, and parcelled out to Achilles as a war-prize, Barker is in her element. The Iliad comes alive in new ways as we follow the women in their struggle to survive and find a way to tell their story."
10:45 The Reading
Here at the End of the World We Learn to Dance by Lloyd Jones read by John McDavitt. Episode 5 of 10.
No web rights.
11:05 Boz Scaggs, Princess Chelsea, TT & David Mead
New music with Jeremy Taylor with the latest from Boz Scaggs, a solo debut from singer guitarist Theresa Wayman (TT), Princess Chelsea aka Auckland based singer songwriter Chelsea Nikkel, and a track from 1999, American singer songwriter David Mead.
Boz Scaggs Out of the Blue album cover Photo: Concord Records
11:30 New Silver Ferns' coach, Govt $ for rugby?
Sport with Brendan Telfer, including Noeline's Taurua to coach the Silver Ferns and Steve Hanson cap in hand to the Government for funding for the All Blacks. Also, the top off in tennis controversy.
Noeline Taurua. Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly
11:45 "Susan" sounds off, Bridezilla's wedding cancelled
Radar and Melanie Bracewell tell us about the Canadian bride "Susan" who cancelled her wedding after guests were reluctant to fork out $1500 a head. She then took to social media to diss friends and family. "Like, we made it clear. If you couldn't contribute, you weren't invited to our exclusive wedding. It's a once and a lifetime party"
Susan Photo: supplied
Music played in this show
Artist: Lapsley
Song: Operator
Composer: Fletcher/McDonald/Spivery
Album: Long Way Home
Time: 09:35
Artist: Mojave 3
Song: Running With Your Eyes closed
Composer: Neil Halstead
Album: Puzzles Like You
Time: 11:47