Nine To Noon for Tuesday 20 March 2018
09:05 Minister to Air NZ: Don’t neglect regions
Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King
The Minister for Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has criticised Air New Zealand for degrading its services to the regions. Mr Jones's comments come after Air New Zealand's abrupt withdrawal from flights into Kapiti - it gave the region just three weeks notice that it would pull out. Kathryn Ryan also talks with the mayors of Gisborne and Whangarei districts, Meng Foon and Sheryl Mai.
09:20 Pink and White Terraces final location discovered
Researchers have found the final burial site of the famous Pink and White Terraces, 132 years after the Mt Tarawera eruption engulfed them. A full archaeological investigation kicked off in September, using non-invasive scanning to determine if the terraces are still intact. The data showed the terraces were next to the lake outside of the volcanic crater, meaning they could one day be drilled into and excavated and restored for the world to see. Kathryn Ryan speaks with Rex Bunn who led the recent investigation, co-authored last year's Royal Society New Zealand report.
09:45 USA correspondent Steve Almond
US President Donald Trump and Chris Liddell, director of strategic initiatives, on December 14, 2017. Photo: AFP
Topics for discussion: President Donald Trump appointment of New Zealander - Chris Liddell as deputy chief of staff; Trumps is once again making noises about firing Robert Mueller; James Comey hits the best seller lists and is a wave of Democrat victories about to start?
10:05 Asne Seierstad: Two Sisters into the Syrian Jihad
Photo: supplied
Asne Seierstad is an accomplished writer, journalist and war correspondent, well known at home in Norway and abroad. She covered the Chechen war, the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, the fall of Baghdad, and other conflicts in Serbia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan, and has written a series of books set in conflict zones – including the 2002 bestseller, The Bookseller of Kabul. Her latest is called Two Sisters: Into the Syrian Jihad – a haunting book about two teeenage sisters who join the Syrian Jihad.
10:35 Book review
Charlotte Graham-McLay reviews Almost Love by Louise O'Neill, published by Hachette.
10:45 The Reading
Baby No Eyes by Patricia Grace (Ep. 12 of 17)
11:05 Business commentator Rod Oram
Shell sells its NZ gas assets to OMV, an Austrian company – meanwhile the government's considering whether to offer any more oil and gas exploration blocks. And impact investing gains a toe-hold in New Zealand.
11:30 Brothers from another mother: Hip Hop & Sāmoan oratory
Matthew Faiumu aka sound producer Anonymouz Photo: 4 THA LUMANA'I
Music producer Anonymouz talks to Kathryn Ryan about the parallels between Sāmoan oratory & Hip Hop. He will be showcasing his work along with a cast of Sāmoan tulāfale orator chiefs, rappers, poets and community performers in 4 THA LUMANA'I. The live performance is part of Auckland Art Festival's wider Whanui. It's on at the Māngere Arts Centre, from 23-24 March.
11:45 Media commentator Gavin Ellis
Mindfood celebrates its 10th birthday this month with a 320-page issue. And Gavin has an example of good newspaper journalism. Gavin Ellis is a media commentator and former editor of the New Zealand Herald. He can be contacted on
Music played in this show
Artist: Aloe Blacc
Song: I Need a Dollar
Composer: Dawkins
Album: Good Things
Label: Stonesthrow
Time: 10.15
Song: Resample Guåhån BEAT 7 Heading Home 78BPM
Composer: Matthew Faiumu Salupu
Time: 11.35
Song: MASTA (Clean Edit) - Tha Movement feat. Tha Feelstyle, King Kapisi, Mareko, Poetik, SMV & MC Arme (Produced by Anonymouz)
Composer: Matthew Faiumu Salupu
Time: 11.37
Song: Vodka & Vaniah (Snare feat. LaCoco, Produced by anonymouz
Composer: Matthew Faiumu Salupu
Time: 11.43