09:05 NCEA minimum literacy and numeracy requirements "too weak" 

An independent report written for the Tertiary Education Commission, has found that despite meeting the minimum NCEA standards, many school leavers do not have adequate literacy or numeracy skills.

Brent Lewis is the Principal of Avondale College in Auckland. 

09:20 Fund running dry for non standard residential connections to UFB

20 percent of the country so far has taken up Ultra Fast Broadband as the roll out continues, but there are fears that some of those at the end of the schedule may have to pay for the fibre to be connected to their homes from the street.

The roll out is due to be completed by 2019. Technology analyst, Bill Bennet has been closely watching the progress

09:45 Europe correspondent, Seamus Kearney

10:05 Boatbuilder and master craftsman,  Lionel Jefcoate

When it comes to boat building, Lionel Jefcoate is more than a craftsman, those who've worked with him describe him as an artist. Now 83, he has built more than 56 boats steamboats, sailboats, launches and large yachts - one of which he sailed around the South Pacific with his family,

He  spent six months as a volunteer shipwright, helping to restore the 19th century tea clipper Cutty Sark in London's Greenwich.

He talks to Kathryn Ryan about his boat building career and his love for wood crafting.

10:35 Book review

Book Review:  Orphan X by Gregg Hurwitz
Reviewed by Graham Beattie    
Published by Penguin Random House 

10:45 The Reading

11:05 Political commentators

Matthew Hooton and Stephen Mills discuss how political parties are playing the ongoing stoush over Pharmac drug funding decisions, as well as the heating up of the flag debate.

11:30 Getting your children into a lifetime of healthy eating

Healthy Little Eaters

Where do you start with getting your children to want to eat healthy foods? According to Dunedin nutritionist Wal Herring, it starts with your own attitude to food. She has a Masters of Science in Nutrition and a Bachelor of Physical Education and is mother to three children. Wal Herring's new book Healthy Little Eaters is aimed at helping you create an easier path to getting them to have good eating habits by starting with thinking about how you regard your own relationship with food.

11:45 Outdoorsman Kennedy Warne

It's been Seaweek! And Kennedy Warne has been out at sea checking out Mokohinau Islands - one of the most remote coastal groups in the country.