09:05 Imminent announcement on Wellington council amalgamation

The Local Government Commission is informing the Wellington region's Mayors in person at Te Papa, at 9.30, of its draft decision of the region's future structure. All are expecting the decision to be amalgamation, but that Wairarapa's three council's may be separately united outside the Super City structure.

Wayne Guppy is the Upper Hutt Mayor and Ray Wallace is the Mayor of Lower Hutt.

09:20 British journalists spied on by state, put on extremist list

Jason N Parkinson is a freelance video journalist, who covers subjects ranging from environmental disaster to conflict. He was nominated for the Rory Peck News Award for his work during the Egyptian revolution and in London during the riots. Jason is one of six members of the British National Union of Journalists who are asking the English High Court for a judicial review of the collection and retention of surveillance data about them. He says he and other journalists were subject to wide-ranging surveillance and put on a domestic extremist list, simply for doing their jobs.

09:45 UK correspondent Matthew Parris

10:05 The reach of real life social networks with Stanford University Economics Professor Matthew Jackson

Real life social networks - their reach, and how they've evolved to affect every aspect of our day to day lives with

Matthew O. Jackson. He is the Eberle Professor of Economics at Stanford University, an external faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute and a Senior Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and a former Guggenheim Fellow..  His research interests include game theory, microeconomic theory, and the study of social and economic networks, including diffusion, learning, and network formation. He is the author of many articles and books, including the book Social and Economic Networks.

Professor Matthew Jackson is visiting New Zealand next week to give a public lecture about his work - about the diffusion of information and the role social networks play in that.

He is speaking on 11 December 2014, at 6.30p.m., at the University of Auckland (General Library Basement, 5 Alfred Street, Lib B28 Lecture Theatre).

10:35 Book review: Poetry Notebook by Clive James 

Reviewed by Graham Beattie. Published by Macmillan, RRP $29.99

10:45 The Reading: 'Carnival Sky' by Owen Marshall

After resigning to go abroad, a journalist finds his life on hold as he joins his family in Central Otago, waiting and coming to terms with the impending death of his father (9 of 10, RNZ)

11:05 New technology with Sarah Putt

Sarah Putt discusses dealing with online harassment; Microsoft kills Clip Art and does Ashburton have the world's fastest broadband?

11:25 Parenting with Nathan Mikaere Wallis - how children are affected by poverty

Parenting commentator Nathan Mikaere Wallis discusses how children are affected by poverty, how it affects brain development and learning.

11:45 Film Review with Dan Slevin       

Dan Slevin reviews The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (Peter Jackson); Advanced Style (Lina Plioplyte); and The Drop (Michaël R. Roskam).