Nine To Noon for Tuesday 22 July 2014
09:05 Deal struck overnight with eastern Ukraine rebels on access to the MH17 crash site
Simon Shuster is TIME Magazine's Moscow reporter. He was at the crash site over the weekend, but was then detained by rebels along with other journalists.
09:15 United Nations speaks about sheltering 100,000 refugees in Gaza
Gaza's health ministry says the Palestinian death toll from the two-week conflict has now passed 550, the majority of them civilians. 25 Israeli soldier and two Israeli civilians have been killed. The UN Relief and Works Agency operates shelters for Palestinian refugees in Gaza - and it says the situation is an emergency. Scott Anderson is the Gaza Field Office's Deputy Director of Operations, and he explains how the situation has escalated in recent days.
09:35 New study on wellbeing of children with same-sex parents
Dr Simon Crouch was the lead researcher on an Australian study that found that children in same-sex parent families had higher scores on measures of general behavior, general health and family cohesion, but that stigma still poses a big problem. The Australian Study of Child Health in Same-Sex Families was a broader and larger-scale study than had been undertaken previously, and took a holistic look at children's overall health and wellbeing.
09:50 US correspondent Jack Hitt
10:05 Author of much-hyped fantasy novel The Queen of the Tearling
Even before its publication, Erika Johansen's debut high fantasy novel was optioned for a film adaption, with Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame set to star in it. The Queen of the Tearling, the first in a planned trilogy, takes place in a medieval land in a distant future. Months before the book was even released, comparisons had been made to George R. R. Martin's Games of Thrones, Harry Potter, and The Hunger Games. Erika Johansen grew up and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. She went to Swarthmore College, earned an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and eventually became an attorney, but she never stopped writing.
10:35 Book review: Wolf by Mo Hayder
Reviewed by Lisa Finucane, Published by Bantam Press, $37.99
10:45 The Reading: The Bright Side of My Condition by Charlotte Randall
A fiction which tells the story of four convicts who stowaway and then get dumped on an uninhabited Pacific Island. (Part 1 of 12)
11:05 Business commentator Rod Oram
Discusses Chorus; Fonterra / Danone; the Green Party R&D policy; and the sale of Griffin's.
11:30 Sarah Henshaw's book shop with a difference - on a floating barge in the UK
The Bookshop that Floated Away published by Constable and Robinson, with a RRP $29.99
11:45 Media commentator Gavin Ellis
Gavin Ellis discusses the media coverage of David Cunliffe's skiing holiday and Paul Henry's "did you have sex with Richard Branson" interview with scientist, Michelle Dickinson.