Nine To Noon for Wednesday 16 July 2014
09:05 Uncertainty in Southland after engineer struck off
Nine to Noon producer Caitlin Cherry discusses the expulsion by the Institution of Professional Engineers of Anthony Major, for his negligence in the design and sign off of Stadium Southland, where the roof collapsed in 2010. Mr Major has told Nine to Noon he's worked on hundreds of buildings in the region since the 1970s.
09:20 Catholic Church addresses abuse
Peter Saunders is one of six victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy who were invited to Rome to meet the Pope. He is Founder and CEO of Director of the British registered charity The National Association for People Abused in Childhood.
09:45 Australia correspondent Karen Middleton
Compensation for the Black Saturday bushfire victims, the latest Senate to-ing and fro-ing, and Olympic swimmer Ian Thorpe's announcement that he's gay.
10:05 Nigerian novelist and commentator Chibundu Onuzo
Chibundu Onuzo is a young Nigerian writer and commentator. She started writing her first book aged 17, got an agent at 18, became the youngest woman to sign to publisher Faber & Faber at 19, and released her debut novel, The Spider King's Daughter at 21, while studying for a history degree at Kings College London. She has also written about what Boko Haram has done in her country.
10:35 Book review: Upstairs at the Party by Linda Grant
Reviewed by Carole Beu, published by Little, Brown RRP$37.99.
10:45 The Reading: Stroke of Fate by Sophie Pascoe with Tony Smith
Autobiography of Sophie Pascoe, the Paralympic swim champion (3 of 6, RNZ)
11:05 Marty Duda's artist of the week: Pulp
Although they are known as a 1990’s Britpop band, Pulp’s origins actually date back to the 1970s, when front man Jarvis Cocker was a 15-year-old schoolboy. After years of struggling, the band finally broke through in the mid-90s.
1. My Lighthouse – Pulp taken from 1983 album, 'It' (Velvel)
2. Babies – Pulp taken from 1992 single (Gift)
3. Common People – Pulp taken from 1995 album 'Different Class' (Island)
4. The Fear – Pulp taken from 1998 album 'This Is Hardcore' (Island)
11:30 Legal commentator Ryan Malone
Ryan explains the MMP electoral system and how it works.
11:45 Arts commentator Courtney Johnston
A poem for Jeff Koons, a new way of auctioning off art, and whether it is possible to “do art wrong”.
A Shiny Poem for Jeff Koons - LA Times
Kara Walker’s Sugar Sphinx Spawns Offensive Instagram Photos - Artnet
Should Auschwitz be a site for selfies - The New Yorker
Gallery Auctions Off Artworks to the Highest Emotional Bidder - Hyperallergic
An Auction Based On Emotion - Kosta Boda
Image: Sugar Sphinx by Kara Walker