09:05 What's behind NZ's drop in an international education league table?

Angela Roberts, president of the Post Primary Teachers' Association; and Auckland University primary teacher education lecturer Fiona Ell.

09:30 More evidence of the extent of the gender pay gap

Kirsten Patterson is acting chief executive of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Kirsten's survey of members shows male Chartered Accountants with less than five years' experience earn on average $3,600 more than their female counterparts, and as they get more experience the gap widens, becoming as large as almost $50,000 after 16 to 20 years in the industry.

09:45 Australia correspondent Bernard Keane

10:05 Michael Rosen - Author

From alphabets to zipcodes, the surprising story of our 26 letters. Language expert, Michael Rosen asks how we fixed upon our 26 letters, and what they mean.

Alphabetical - How Every Letter Tells a Story, by Michael Rosen

10:45 Reading. Wulfsyarn by Phillip Mann - Part 2

Wilberfoss does what he can to repair the biocrystalline brain of the spaceship but a gigantic storm is approaching and may do more damage. Part 3 of 10.

11:05 Book review with Gail Pittaway

The English Girl by Margaret Leroy
Published by Little, Brown

11:10 Marty Duda's artist of the week - Peter Murphy

Former Bauhaus singer Peter Murphy is best known as the voice of pioneering goth band Bauhaus. Murphy is currently working on a new album, Lion, due out in February and co-produced by Killing Joke's Youth. He playing two shows in New Zealand later this month. (Dececembert 14 -The Studio in Aucklandand  December 15 - Bodega in Wellington) as part of his Mr. Moonlight Tour.

1. A God In The Alcove (4:09) - Bauhaus taken from 1980 album, "In The Flat Field" (4AD)
2. Final Solution (3:57) - Peter Murphy taken from 1986 album, "Should The World Fail To Fall Apart" (Beggars Banquet)
3. Cuts You Up (5:27) - Peter Murphy taken from 1989 album, "Deep" (RCA)
4. I Spit Roses (4:03) - Peter Murphy taken from 2009 album, "Ninth" (Nettwerk)

11:30 ACT leader John Banks to quit politics at the next election

olitical editor Brent Edwards has been at a media conference where Epsom MP John Banks announced he would not stand for re-election. The announcement came after a High Court judge ruled that Mr Banks should stand trial in the High Court for making a false return during his 2010 Auckland mayoral bid.

11:40 Legal commentator Mai Chen

The Privileges Committee has found it was unacceptable that the Henry Inquiry was handed private information, despite having no formal powers to demand it.

11:55 Science commentator Simon Pollard

How the brain recognises faces.

Music played in this show

Song: Sugar Mama
Artist: The Deep Dark Woods
Album: The Place I Left Behind
Label: Sugar Hill
Time Played: 10:44