Nine To Noon for Tuesday 11 June 2013
09:05 Nelson Mandela ailing
South African president Jacob Zuma's spokesman, Mac Maharaj, is a long-time friend and confidante of Nelson Mandela. Mr Mandela and Mr Maharaj were both imprisoned on Robben Island.
09:20 Will new super school in Christchurch be a public-private partnership?
Principal of Aranui High School which the Education Ministry announced will be merged with three other schools in eastern Christchurch. The Education Minister wants to explore the possibility of making the proposed school a public-private partnership.
09:30 Mapping the Great Indoors
Noah Fierer, Associate Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado.
09:45 US correspondent Luiza Savage
10:05 Richard Sennett - sociologist and author
Richard Sennett is a Professor of Sociology and Academic Governor of the London School of Economics and the Department of Sociology at New York University. His most recent book is Together: The Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Co-operation.
10:35 Book Review with Sonja de Freiz
In the Memorial Room by Janet Frame
Published by Text
10:45 Reading:Mercenary Territory by Susan Pointon
Told by William Kircher and Sarah Boddy
11:05 Business with Fran O'Sullivan
The loss in Peter Dunne of a relatively competent Revenue Minister; and the end of quantitative easing – what does the decline in the NZ dollar cross rate against the US mean for NZ?
11:30 Rachel Cunliffe - Census At School project
Rachel Cunliffe works at the Statistics Department at Auckland University and is the co-director of the Census At School project.
11:45 Media with Gavin Ellis
Fairfax's protection of the Peter Dunne emails; the latest PricewaterhouseCoopers global media outlook; and the prediction that online will surpass newspaper advertising revenue by 2015.
Music played in this show
09:35am - Sera Cahoone: 'Deer Creek Canyon' from her album Deer Creek Canyon
11:20am - Little Jimmy Ray: 'You Need To Fall In Love'
11:40am - Dave Murphy: 'I Can't Be Satisfied' from his album Yes That's Me