09:05 Five years on from sweeping recommendations by a select committee, have the lives of those with disabilities improved?

Jan Moss is the coordinator of the Complex Care Group Trust, which helps the parents and caregivers of disabled people with complex needs. She is also the main caregiver of her daughter Becky who is now 30 years old and is severely cognitively impaired.

09:15 Disability advocates and family members say disabled people are still being routinely abused and neglected in both residential care and in the community

Colin Burgering from the Justice Action group in Auckland which supports people with intellectual disabilities; and Huhana Hickey, Auckland lawyer who represents disabled people.

09:25 Placemaking

Ethan Kent, vice president of the US-based Project for Public Spaces  – a nonprofit planning, design and educational organisation dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces with the aim of building stronger communities.

09:45 US commentator Jack Hitt

The controversy over recent media coverage in the US of rape cases.

10:05 How advances in technology are changing our everyday lives

Aleks Krotoski, Doctor of Philosophy in Social Psychology at the University of Surrey. She examined "how information spreads around the social networks of the World Wide Web." in her PhD.

She has a book due out later this year, Untangling the Web: What the Internet Is Doing To You, and is going to be in New Zealand for the2013 Auckland Writers & Readers Festival.

10:30 Book Review with Emma Hart

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
Published by Doubleday

10:45 Reading: Damage Limitation by Steve Danby (Part 1 of 2)

Told by Bruce Phillips

A fictional SIS officer recounts his connection with 'The Trades Hall Bomber" and associated behind the scenes political machinations.

11:05 Business commentator Rod Oram

The latest GDP figure, Open Bank Resolution, and ICT jobs.

11:30 Conversations when you are dying

Dr Dale Larson (PhD) is a Professor at School of Education and Counselling Psychology at Santa Clara University.

11:45 Media commentator Gavin Ellis

Campbell Live on Jerry Collins in Japan, and media regulation.

Music played in this show


Artist: Fleetwood Mac
Song: Dreams
Comp: S Nicks
Album: Rumours
Label: Warner
Broadcast Time: 9:35am

Artist: Etta James
Song: I'd Rather Go Blind
Album: Her best
Label: Chess
Broadcast Time: 10:32am