Nine To Noon for Wednesday 27 June 2012
09:05 Housing NZ's CEO on how the department is dealing with New Zealand's most vulnerable tenants
Lesley McTurk addresses issues facing Housing NZ including a family of six living in a room at a boarding house who've struggled to make contact with the department to find a house, the new 0800 number, and the state and sales of its housing stock.
09:30 Structuring the share floats in the SOE's being sold by the Government
Forsyth Barr managing director Neil Paviour-Smith on how so-called 'mum and dad investors' will get a slice of the action after the legislation paving the way for the partial sale of four SOE's passed through parliament.
09:45 Australia correspondent Ray Moynihan
Backbenchers seeking a bipartisan approach to asylum boats; the mining magnate and the media; and Parliament's Speaker hits back over sexual harassment allegations.
10:05 Bunker Roy - Indian social activist and founder of The Barefoot College
Bunker Roy is an Indian activist and philanthropist who's spent decades nurturing the rural poor in his homeland by teaching practical skills through The Barefoot College. Four decades after its establishment, The Barefoot College has trained people in remote villages in 16 Indian States, educated more than 50,000 children through their night schools, and expanded into Africa and the Middle East.
10:35 Book Review with Don Rood
Second World War by Antony Beevor
W & N Non Fiction
10:45 Reading: Smoking in Antarctica by Steve Braunias (Part 3 of 10)
In today's selected columns Steve starts digging around in old cemeteries and attends a country wedding.
11:05 Marty Duda's Artist of the Week - Jeffrey Lee Pierce
Jeffrey Lee Pierce the late leader of The Gun Club; a band to come from the post-punk scene of Los Angeles in the early 1980s. Their wild, unrestrained combination of rockabilly, blues and punk has been compared to The Cramps, The Bad Seeds and The Blasters. His music lives on thanks to The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project, a community of musicians/artists/fans that includes Nick Cave and Deborah Harry. The Project has released two albums full of Pierce's songs…the second, "The Journey Is Long", is just a few months old. Another is said to be released later this year.
1. She's Like Heroin To Me (2:35) - The Gun Club taken from 1981 album, "Fire Of Love" (Slash)
2. My Dreams (3:57) - The Gun Club taken from 1984 album, "The Las Vegas Story" (Animal)
3. Ramblin' Mind (3:10) - Nick Cave & The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project from 2010 album, "We Are Only Riders" (Glitterhouse)
4. The Breaking Hands (4:23) - Mark Lanegan & Isobel Campbell taken from 2012 album, "The Journey Is Long" (Fuse)
11:30 Legal commentator Catriona MacLennan
11:45 Arts commentator Courtney Johnston
Solo exhibitions in Christchurch and Wellington by Ann Shelton, Ben Buchanan, and Hannah and Aaron Beehre, and a new way to discover and share our culture and heritage through the Digital New Zealand website.
Gallery: Ann Shelton, Ben Buchanan and Hannah and Aaron Beehre
Ben Buchanan, 'Forever', (installation views) 2012.
Digital New Zealand sets:
- Woman on left, leaning on table
- Elbows
- Eric Lee-Johnson’s star trails
- Photographs by Anne Noble
- Photographs by Laurence Aberhart
- Plischke - man, building, design
- Girls and books
- We like to read it read it
- Come hither
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Music played in this show
Avalanche City: "Sunset"
2012 single
M. Ward: "Me and My Shadow"
From the 2012 album 'A Wasteland Companion'