09:05 A government minister says for the first time there is a housing crisis in Christchurch

Maori Affairs minister Pita Sharples says people sleeping rough in Christhchurch should squat in abandoned red-zoned homes as an emergency solution and there is no doubt in his mind there is a housing crisis in the city. Christchurch City Missioner Michael Gorman and Rachel Fonotia, the manager of the Aranui Community Trust discuss the scale of the problem.

09:25 The rise and rise of China's SOEs and what it means for New Zealand

John Lee from Sydney University's Centre for International Security Studies is an expert on China's investment strategy. China's SOEs are responsible for the vast majority of Beijing's foreign investment yet little is known about how they operate or their relationship with the Communist Party.

09:45 UK correspondent Jon Dennis

The Queen shakes hands with former IRA commander Martin McGuinness and Prime Minister David Cameron promises a radical overhaul of welfare.

10:05 Feature Guest - Christopher Paolini

Christopher Paolini is the author of the Inheritance series of fantasy books for young adults, which have sold millions of copies around the world. He wrote the first book in the series, Eragon, at the age of 15 - and his family self published it, before it was picked up by Knopf Books and went global.

Christopher Paolini is speaking in Wellington tonight at 6pm at Scots College Hall, Monorgan Rd, Strathmore. Tickets are $5 each, and all profits are going to Duffy Books in Homes Programme. To book, phone The Children's Bookshop, Kilbirnie  3873905.

10:35 Book Review with Dan Slevin

A Good American by Alex George
Published by Fig Tree

10:45 Reading: Smoking in Antarctica by Steve Braunias (Part 4 of 10)

Steve gets his hooks into the death of Captain Cook and NZ's second Govenor, Robert Fitzroy.

11:05 New Technology with Sarah Putt

The Telecommunications Users Association faces extinction; Parliamentary Inquiry into 21st Century Learning; and Microsoft's latest acquisition Yammer.

11:20 Karen Riley - the challenges of motherhood

Karen Riley, parenting specialist and author of How to Keep the You in Mum.

11:45 Media commentator Gavin Ellis

Andrew Holden leaving The Press for The Age; the last gasp and death rattle of TVNZ7; and truth in advertising.