09:05 The Government announcement that the number of mining inspectors will increase fourfold

Ged O'Connell, EPMU's Assistant National Secretary responsible for Mining & Energy; Neville Rockhouse, Pike River Mine's Safety and Training Manager - his son Ben was killed in the mine explosion last year, his older son Daniel survived; and Harry Bell, a former Chief Inspector of coal mines who has testified at the Pike River Royal Commission of Inquiry, who had previously raised concerns about the mine at Pike River.

09:35 Community fruit gathering initiative

Di Celliers, Auckland woman with initiative to provide unwanted neighbourhood fruit to those in need.

Email: pickfruit@xtra.co.nz

09:45 UK correspondent Jon Dennis

The phone hacking letter reveals News of the World cover-up and the blame game over the recent riots in Britain.

10:05 Last survivor pulled from Ground Zero - Genelle Guzman-McMillan

The Trinidad-born Port Authority temp was trapped in the rubble of the World Trade Center for 27 hours after the North Tower fell on her as she was trying to escape the building in the wake of the September 11 attacks. She was the last survivor to be pulled from the wreckage.

Angel in the Rubble by Genelle Guzman-McMillan with William Croyle
Published by Allen & Unwin,

10:35 Build-up to state funeral of Sir Paul Reeves

Geoff Robinson,  Radio NZ presenter who is co-anchoring coverage of Sir Paul Reeves' state funeral in Auckland.

10:45 Book Reading: The Angel's Cut by Elizabeth Knox

A 15 part series narrated by Jacob Rajan

The angel Xas returns in this sequel to the international bestseller, The Vintner’s Luck. Into a world of movie lots and speakeasies (L.A. 1929) comes Xas, stunt flier and wingless angel, still nursing his broken heart, and determined only to go on living in the air.

Listen again to this reading.

11:00 Radio New Zealand's live coverage of Sir Paul Reeves' funeral begins