09:05 Intensive dairy farms

We discuss opposition to plans for a group of intensive dairy farms which would see 18 thousand cows kept in indoor cubicles for much of the year.

Hans Kriek, director of SAFE - Save Animals from Exploitation; Lachlan McKenzie, the chair of Dairy Farmers New Zealand; and John Hellstrom, chair of National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee.

09:30 Copenhagen Climate talks begin today

Tim Flannery, chairman of the Copenhagen Climate Council, Adjunct Professor for Environmental and Life Sciences at Macquarie University.

09:45 Middle East correspondent Tarek Bazley

10:05 Meg Munn, British Labour MP

Meg Munn is a former foreign office minister and Minister for Women and Equality in the UK. The former social worker, described as an "arch Blairite loyalist", was sacked by Prime Minister Gordon Brown and this year called publicly for him to stand down from the leadership. She is in NZ to speak at events organised by Otago and Victoria universities.

10:30 Book Review with Louise O'Brien

Anne Frank: The Book, The Life, The Afterlife by Francine Prose
Published by HarperCollins

10:45 Reading: The Merry Marauders by Arthur J. Rees

(Part 1 of 9)

An adaptation of Arthur J Rees' rollicking and fun 1913 novel of an ill fated touring acting troupe as they toured the North Island in the early 20th century.

11:05 Politics with Andrew Campbell and Matthew Hooten

Chicken in Garlic Sauce + Chocolate Mousse with Olive Oil

11:30 Guest Chef Sandra Kellian, from Red Rocket Catering at the Inch Bar in Dunedin; and wine commentator John Hawkesby

11:45 Urbanist Tommy Honey

Is "heritage" becoming a dirty word?


Guardian article

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