09:05 Senior police officer and police college instructor John Gualter caught driving home"grossly" drunk from a police bar

Wayne Annan, general manager of Human Resources; and Roger Brooking, clinical manager of ADAC - Alcohol and Drug Assessment and Counselling.

09:20 Grandparents raising children

Jill Worrall, social work policy and practice consultant, Honorary Research Associate, Massey Univeristy. Former senior lecturer in Social work. Trustee of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust, Youth Horizons Trust, life member of the Family and Foster Care Federation.

09:30 Teenage-proof rooms

Gilly Corkery, Scottish interior designer who has created a prototype for a teenage proof room.

See images in the Nine to Noon gallery.

09:45 Europe correspondent Seamus Kearney

10:05 Why We Buy

Martin Lindstrom, brand futurist Martin Lindstrom has delved into the science behind why we buy - he tells us why some brands compel us to crave and how to protect ourselves from subliminal advertising.

10:30 Book Review with Don Rood

Car Fever by James May
Published by Hodder & Stoughton

10:45 Reading. Here And Where by David Hill

(1 of 5)

Traditional Fare

A New Zealand traveler tangles with a glorious old gargoyle and English breakfast toast in the first of five light-hearted stories about experiences overseas.

11:05 Politics with Andrew Campbell and Matthew Hooton

11:30 Guest chef Lauraine Jacobs and wine commentator John Hawkesby

Snapper in Papillote with fennel, walnuts and parsley + Orange and mint salad.

11:45 A Modest Proposal or Two with David Slack