Nine To Noon for Tuesday 9 September 2008
Nine to Noon on Tuesday 9 September 2008
9:05 Should Police Officers be banned from serving on local councils?
We speak to Manukau City Councillor and long serving police officer Alf Filipaina and the MP who pushed for the ban, New Zealand First MP Ron Mark
9:30 Memory Distortion
New research from Victoria University has found that people will think they remember something that never happened just from talking to someone who has different information.
Lauren French has just completed a PhD psychology thesis about how everyday conversations can distort memory and discusses her findings.
9:45 US correspondent Richard Adams
Richard is Washington editor of The Guardian
10:05 China Witness
Xinran, Chinese author, journalist and commentator who traveled the length and breadth of China for her new book, China Witness.
The book has been described as an epic oral history - in it, she interviews elderly men and women from around the huge country, about their experiences throughout China's tumultuous 20th Century. The book is the culmination of twenty years of interviewing the elder generation all over China.
Xinran has been in New Zealand for the Christchurch Writers Festival.
10:30 Book Review: Hamlet: A Novel by John Marsden
Reviewed by Gail Pittaway
Published by Text Publishing
ISBN 978 1 921351 47 1
10:45 Book reading: Mr Allbones' Ferrets by Fiona Farrell
Episode 2 of 10
11:05 Business with Rod Oram, business and economic commentator
11:30 Story behind the songs
Max Cryer, Love Me Tender (release date 10 September) published by Exisle Publishing.
11:45 Media commentator Denis Welch