Vaccination rates for Maori are being described as dismal, compared with non- Maori and the race is on to get them vaccinated as fast as possible. According to this week's figures 51 percent nationwide had recieved their first jab compared to 78 percent of non-Maori... Across Auckland Counties Manukau is the worst... just 50 percent of Maori have had their first dose versus 84% of non Maori. And only a quarter of Maori in the catchment are fully jabbed..its just over half for for non-Maori. The Maori Development Minister Willie Jackson says the Government is doing everything it can to get 90% of Maori vaccinated in the next fortnight before alert levels are reviewed. Bryan Crump spoke to a man at the coalface, Dr Rawiri Jansen co-leader of Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Urutā - the National Maori Pandemic Group.
National Hauora Coalition clinical director Dr Rawiri McKree Jansen Photo: STUFF/ Alden Williams