7:35 Cultural Ambassador - The Music of Persia
Photo: Ali Ghazvini, CC BY-SA 2.0
Cultural Ambassador for Persian Music, Shahram Aryan introduces us to notable Iranian traditional musician, researcher and teacher, Sima Bina.
Tracks Played
1- Track title: Delbar (Del-bar) = Soulmate (a popular love song from City of Birjand)
From Album: Parishaan (Music of Khorasan - Kho-raa-saan is northeast province of Iran)
Sima Bina (vocal)
Arrangement: Hossein Hamidi
Instruments: Balaban, Ney, Neylabak, Qoshmeh, and Sorna Played by Hossein Hamidi
Also we heard Kamancheh, Setar, Dotar, Dohol and Daf
2- Track title: Dotar and Vocal (avaz from Khorasan)
Sima Bina (vocal), Dotar (unknown)
[Do-tar is two strings lute instrument from Khorasan province)
3-Track: Esfahan: Khojasteh [Kho-jas-teh] - in mood (scale) of Isfahan
Poem from the 14th century poet: Hafiz
PERFORMER: Hossein 'Omoumi (ney), Sima Bina (vocal), Majid Derakh-shani (tar)
(Persian flute, made from a hollow reed like bamboo, with its breathy low notes and piping
high register)
4-Track: Esfahan: Tasnif Esfahan
Hossein 'Omoumi (ney), Sima Bina (vocal), Majid Derakh-shani (tar), Majid Khalaj (tombak)
5- Track title: Amiri Tabiri (folk songs from province of Mazandaran - North of Iran (mazi
Sima Bina (vocal), Jamal Mohamadi (kamancheh)
6- Track title: Ye Ghal Do Ghol (from Gilan province - North of Iran (Gilaki language)
SimaBina (vocal)