Nights for Tuesday 20 November 2018
7:12 Mānuka Honey from Farmed Plantations
There are plans to produce more mānuka honey from farmed plantations rather than from bees foraging nectar in the wild. John Rawcliffe from the Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association joins us to tell us more.
Manuka South. Photo: Manuka South / Supplied
7:30 The Sampler
The Beatles 'White Album' is 50 years old this week, and there's a new 6-disc edition to mark the occasion. Nick Bollinger takes a deep dive.
The Beatles: the 50th anniversary deluxe box set Photo: supplied
8:10 Night Mail
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Photo: Creative commons
8:15 Dateline Pacific
Photo: RNZ
RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.
8:30 Window on the World
In the second three episodes about the genius of accidents in science, presenter Adam Hart explores two stories of unexpected observations. . . . of interference in a recording of space. . .and dust emitted by Krakatoa zooming across the sky! . Sometimes accidental discoveries are bigger than you might expect.
9:07 Tuesday Feature
Rachel Buchanan and Mahara Okeroa talk with Maria Bargh about the invasion of Parihaka which occurred on 5 November 1881, and the Taranaki land confiscations of that era, in front of audience at the National Library a few weeks ago. They discuss Rachel's book about Parihaka Ko Taranaki Te Maunga published recently by Bridget Williams Books.
10:17 Lately
Photo: RNZ
Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.
11:07 Worlds of Music
Trevor Reekie hosts a weekly music programme celebrating an eclectic mix of 'world' music, fusion and folk roots. Tonight features an eclectic playlist including the late Romanian virtuoso of the cimbalom Toni Iordache. There's a track from Anandi Bhattacharya who's album Joys Abound is a contender for one of 2018's best releases. Also featured is 3 artists coming to Womad 2019 including 79 year old Brazilian singer Dona Onete, Cuban flautist and chanteuse, La Dame Blanche and Estonian artist Maarja Nuut, a violinist and singer who combines minimal violin and electronics to breathe new life into traditional forms.