7:07 Dictators

You either deny terrorists any acceptance in the international life, or you make your double standard policy work the way it has been working - 'I don't like that guy in this country, so we will be calling him a dictator and topple him. This guy in another country also dictatorial, but he's our dictator.' Sergei Lavrov

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Photo: By Unknown (O'Connell?) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

I'm not a dictator. It's just that I have a grumpy face. Augusto Pinochet

Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction. George W. Bush

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Photo: See page for author [CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

I believe in benevolent dictatorship provided I am the dictator. Richard Branson


8:10 Something for the Weekend

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Photo: supplied

Over 180 young people and their supporters from around New Zealand are heading to Nelson this weekend for the St John National Youth Festival and Competitions. Among them is Cascade Price - national St John cadet of the year - who joins us to tell us all about it.

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Photo: supplied

8:15 Dateline Pacific

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Photo: RNZ

RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.

8:30 Spotlight 

Groeni: James Paul, Mike Isaacs, Al Green

Groeni: James Paul, Mike Isaacs, Al Green Photo: Groeni

Earlier this month, Wellington three piece emo electro-synth outfit Groeni released their first long player, Nihx through Berlin label Project Mooncircle. Songs from their previous EPs Hinde and Hewn have been enjoyed airplay on LA's KCRW, BBC6 and Triple J, but even with the international interest Groeni are gaining, they're showing no signs of leaving the capital city or even their suburb

For in addition to making music together, Alexander Green and James Paul have just opened a sandwich shop. Leaving their other band member, Mike Issacs as chief taster.

In this instalment of RNZ Music's series Headquarters, Yadana Saw catches up with Groeni, who are keeping things super local.

9:07 Country Life 

On Country life tonight...the team is out shooting rabbits in Otago. Despite the calici virus Rabbit numbers have exploded in Otago in the past year and marksman Shaun Moloney is contracted to help farmers and grape growers get rid of them.  He can spend eight hours a night with his eye glued to his scope with great success.

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Photo: RNZ/Carol Stiles

10:17 Lately

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Photo: RNZ

Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.

11:07 The Mixtape

The Headless Chickens go up to accept their award at the Taite Music Awards.

The Headless Chickens go up to accept their award at the Taite Music Awards. Photo: RNZ

The Headless Chickens were recognised at the 2018 Taite Music Prize with the IMNZ Classic Record Award. To celebrate, we talked to frontman Chris Matthews about six of the songs that have influenced him over the years - one from each decade.

The Headless Chickens in 1987: Chris Matthews, Michael Lawry, Grant Fell, Bevan Sweeney, Rupert E Taylor

The Headless Chickens in 1987: Chris Matthews, Michael Lawry, Grant Fell, Bevan Sweeney, Rupert E Taylor Photo: Stuart Page / Audioculture