Nights for Wednesday 11 March 2015
7:10 San Fran Expo 1915
Exploring the Pan Pacific International Exposition of 1915 in San Francisco with historian Lee Bruno - it was the 100th anniversary of the World Fair and hosted 250,000 visitors celebrating San Francisco's recovery from the earthquake and fire in 1906.
7:30 Spectrum
People, places and events in New Zealand.
8:10 Windows on the World
International public radio documentaries - visit the Windows on the World web page to find links to these documentaries.
8:40 France and Italy
Italian-born Euronews journalist Eri Garuti now works from the east of France and reports on both European nations, Italy pop. 59,685,227 (est. 2012) and France pop. 66,616,416 (est. 2014)... almost 2 months after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks, the alert is still high in France; Italy debates it's response to the influx of migrants across the Mediterranean; an Italian researcher promises he will soon provide head transplants; and France is condemned by EU Council for not introducing specific laws to forbid corporal punishment on children.
9:06 The Wednesday Drama: Pandemic, by John Dryden
The Future: It is five years since the pandemic. Diane Harper, a British civil servant, is to investigate the suicide of a government scientist. Diane has been personally affected by the pandemic. The investigation becomes suspiciously complicated so she sets about trying to uncover the truth about the origins of the devastating outbreak (2 of 3, Goldhawk Essential)
10:00 Late Edition
A review of the news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11:06 Night Lights Classic Jazz
1963: A Man's Dream, A Nation's Nightmare (WFIU, 3 of 12)