7:06 Sonic Tonic

8:10 Me Kōrero - Learning To Learn

HIPPY New Zealand national director Jane Hall on this home based programme which supports parents to become actively involved in their four- and five-year-old children's learning.

8:25 Music Feature

Who Polices the Noise Police?
The demographic of New Zealand cities has shifted dramatically in the last 10 years with apartments popping up on seemingly every inner city corner in Auckland and Wellington. The Phoenix Foundation's Samuel Scott explores how this change has affected the live music scene. How does noise affect your sleep and wellbeing? Who judges how loud something has to be before it's too loud? And who polices the noise police? Scott takes a late night cruise with his local noise officer, meets heavy metal gods at the Wellington City Council and talks to venue owners and promoters to find out what all this noise is really about.

Black metal horde Bulletbelt are set to release Rise of the Banshee this week, their new album that features the Wellington-based band's new vocalist Joelene Tempest. Craig Hayes sits down with Bulletbelt on the eve of their latest nationwide tour to talk about the more expansive sound on the record, the importance of touring outside of New Zealand's main centres, and what drives the band.

9:06 Country Life

Rural news and features.

10:17 Late Edition

A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.

11:06 WOMAD Taranaki 2014

(F, RNZ)