Nights for Monday 10 March 2014
7:10 Underdog sports - hurling
The Celtic sport of Hurling, which is now gaining a following in New Zealand - with an Irish man who got his first hurley at the age of two years old, Liam O'Keeffe.
7:30 Insight
8:15 Windows on the World
International public radio documentaries - visit the Windows on the World web page to find links to these documentaries.
8:40 Pundit - Right Politics
Rodney Hide economist, home renovator and former politician on the rationales of individual freedom and responsibility – the future of political parties on the right.
9:10 Nice Death Stories
Have you ever noticed that there is a pervading theme of murder in children's literature? Following the breadcrumbs is Associate Professor of Literature for Children and Young Adults from The Ohio State University, Michelle Ann Abate.
10:00 Late Edition
A review of the news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11:06 Beale Street Caravan
David Knowles introduces the Memphis-based radio show with an international reputation for its location recordings of blues musicians live in concert (7 of 13, BSC)