7:15 Sport Clay Target Shooting

How to hit a moving target with Single Rise champion Gavin Searle, who has also been named the New Zealand Clay Target Association Shooter of the Year for the third consecutive year.

7:30 Insight

8:15 Windows on the World

International public radio documentaries - visit the Windows on the World web page to find links to these documentaries.

8:40 Pundit  Philosophy

Indie philosopher Ann Kerwin often muses on how, what, and why we think what we do... popular philosophy – how do you engage the 'ordinary' person with famous philosophers or philosophical issues.

9 pm News and weather

9:10 To Dodo Or Not To Dodo

Stanford University Centre for Law and the Biosciences' director Prof. Hank Geely on what is likely to be the next scientific phenomenon - de-extinction - and the ethical and environmental consequences of using genomic technology to bring back creatures that no longer exist.

Ethics and evnironment

10 pm Late Edition

A review of the news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.

11 pm News and weather

11:06 Rodriguez: Searching for Sugarman

When Sixto Rodriguez emerged from Detroit in the early 70s, he made two albums that didn't catch the ears of the public in the USA. But in South Africa, Rodriguez became a household name up their with Bob Dylan and Elvis Presley.

See Public Radio Exchange website for this programme