7:06 Friday Night Theme

Music and fun.

7:40 Flash

Includes NZ Society, The Vault, Asian Report and other interesting snippets.

8 pm News & Weather

8:06 Time to Think

Part One of Two: Father Time and Think were two hard gigging, crowd pulling 70s superbands who defied the odds by transcending chart covers and glam to give punters a taste of original Kiwi progressive rock.

8:40 The European Run

Sue Van Schrevan, director, Orphans Aid International

A fund-raising initiative encouraging Kiwis to take part in a road-trip from Germany to Russia and Romania.

8:50 Conundrum

The answer and the winner's chosen song.

9 pm News & Weather

9:06 Country Life

Rural news and features.

10 pm News & Weather

10:17 Late Edition

A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.

11 pm News & Weather

11:06Womad Taranaki 201