Nights for Tuesday 2 June 2009
Nights for Tuesday 2 June 2009
7 pm News & Weather
7:15 Ethiopia Travels
Alicia Goss - direct marketing officer, Childfund Australia.
Experiencing the plight of the children of Ethiopia.
7:30 The Sampler
New music reviews with Nick Bollinger.
8 pm News & Weather
8:15 Windows on the World:
International public radio documentaries.
8:45 Ignition - energy
Professor Ralph Sims - director of Centre for Energy Research, Massey University.
The challenges of getting warm, keeping cool or just driving from point A to B... nuclear energy.
8:59 Conundrum: Clue 3
9 pm News & Weather
9:06 Tuesday Feature
Foreclosure City, an American RadioWorks documentary looking at Las Vegas.
9:59 Conundrum: Clue 4
10 pm News & Weather
10:17 Late Edition:
A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11:06 Charlie Gilett's World of Music
Britain's guru of world music radio presents a personal selection (BBC)
11:36 Bedtime story: The Fall of the Families by Phillip Mann
The second novel of Phillip Mann's epic chronicalling the struggle by aliens to regain their civilisations - lost to ruthless humans who colonised the galaxy exterminating all opposition.