Nights for Friday 8 May 2009
Nights for Friday 8 May 2009
7 pm News & Weather
7:06 pm Friday Night Theme
Music and fun.
7:40 pm Flash
Includes Access All Areas, NZ Society, The Vault, Asian Report and other interesting snippets.
8 pm News & Weather
8:06Musical Chairs
See Me, Feel Me - The Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre (RNZ)
8:35 Many Malay Relgions
Professor Paul Morris - Religions Scholar, Victoria University
Exploring the spiritual dimension of the human psyche ... Prof Morris reports from the multiconfessional country of Malaysia. The country is officially a Muslim state, and the Government actively promotes the spread of Islam in the country and its friendship with other Muslim countries. Nevertheless, other religions are tolerated and the individual's right to the freedom of worship is listed in the country's constitution.
8:50 Conundrum:
The answer and the winner's chosen song.
9 pm News & Weather
9:06 Country Life:
Rural news and features.
10 pm News & Weather
10:17 Late Edition:
A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11 pm News & Weather
11:06 Friday Finale
Music performances and documentaries.