Nights for Thursday 23 April 2009
Nights for Thursday 23 April 2009
7 pm News & Weather
7:15 Evolving snail study
Professor Jonathan Silvertown - professor of ecology, The Open University
One of the largest evolutionary studies ever undertaken exploring how banded snails in the UK have adapted over the past forty years in regards to changes in temperature and predation.
7:30 Spectrum:
People, places and events in New Zealand.
8 pm News & Weather
8:15 Windows on the World:
International public radio documentaries.
8:45 pm Body Parts - human biology
Professor Jean Fleming - endocrinologist, University of Otago.
Biology of the human body boiled down ... continuing with the gut.
8:59 Conundrum: Clue 7
9 pm News & Weather
9:06 Our Changing World:
Radio New Zealand's science and environment programme.
9:59 Conundrum: Clue 8
10 pm News & Weather
10:17 Late Edition:
A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11 pm News & Weather
11:06 The Music Mix:
Music, talk, live sessions, and coverage of contemporary music and events.