Nights for Friday 27 March 2009

7 pm News & Weather

7:30 pm The Who Live in NZ - 1968 and 2009

(Fifty percent of) The Who played in AK on Saturday, tonight we hear a bit about the last time the band visited. RNZ producer Simon Morris attended the gigs; Bob Pridden was - as he is now - the band's sound engineer; and Andrew Neill wrote the book on The Who's controversial 1968 Australasian tour: A Fortnight of Furore.

8 pm News & Weather

8:10Soweto Symphonies

David Nalden - music educator

David's sister Rosemary Nalden has dedicated her life to teaching classical music to youngsters in Soweto, and under her tutelage, a young concertmaster has emerged, Samson Diamond.

8:30 New Zealand Society

8:50 Conundrum:

The answer and the winner's chosen song.

9 pm News & Weather

9:06 Country Life:

Rural news & features.

10 pm News & Weather

10:17 Late Edition:

A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.

11 pm News & Weather

11:06 Forty Years of Pink Floyd

A celebration (Part one of two)