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Morning Report for Tuesday 23 November 2021
Concern over Mt Messenger bypass impact
8:52 AM.There's concern a deal done to get North Taranaki's Mt Messenger bypass built, could see other native forests bulldozed for new roads.
Compensation and a land swap have been agreed so that the State… Read more Audio
White Ribbon advocating conversations with mates
8:50 AM.Rather than calling out bad attitudes about women, anti-domestic violence campaigners are advocating to call people in.
This change of tactic includes meaningful conversations to promote sustained… Read more Audio
Blood Service raises age limit for donations
8:50 AM.Less than three percent of the people in Aotearoa help meet demand for four thousand blood donations a week.
But the Blood Service is hoping the number of donors will rise.
The upper age limit for… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Vaccine resistance hiding on Kāpiti Coast
8:45 AM.The sunny Kāpiti Coast north of Wellington is known for its laid-back lifestyle, and its mix of retirees, hippies, hipsters and tight-knit Maori communities.
However, it's this mix that may be behind… Read more Audio
Tūhoe iwi institutes own quarantine system
8:35 AM.Te Urewera has been closed to visitors since the move to Covid-19 alert level 4 in August, but unlike Auckland, it won't be opening back up to the public until late January.
The region is home to… Read more Audio
Legal victory for Afghans seeking refuge in NZ
8:24 AM.A legal victory means a group of Afghans hiding from the Taliban could soon be able to come here.
The men and women helped the New Zealand defence force but were told their visa applications to help… Read more Audio
Developers, iwi, criticise housing density bill
8:21 AM.Developers have told MPs they do not want a housing density bill that gives them open slather across swathes of suburbia.
An iwi says the proposed legislation is a "disgrace".
Phil Pennington… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Vaccination efforts continue in South Auckland ahead of reopening
8:14 AM.South Auckland's vaccination drive is now to get people to go back for their second vaccination, as the country prepares to enter the traffic light protection framework.
There are still thousands of… Read more Audio
Covid-19: PR academic says clear messaging needed
8:10 AM.With New Zealand's impending move to the Traffic Light System there is some confusion over what this means - and how it will actually work.
Auckland University of Technology public relations… Read more Audio
Kāinga Ora should evict unruly tenants - lawyer
7:51 AM.A litigation lawyer says Kāinga Ora - the state landlord - is "unquestionably" breaking the law by not evicting unruly tenants.
An elderly couple living in a state housing complex in Whangārei… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Clashes over new restrictions across Europe
7:49 AM.Europe is being torn apart by anger and division over anti-Covid measures.
Violent clashes have been seen, night after night, across numerous countries, as new restrictions are brought in.
Austrians… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Countries should not drop all restrictions once vaccination targets reached - Helen Clark
7:45 AM.Helen Clark is urging countries not to give up on pandemic management once they reach vaccination targets.
Clark told Morning Report even if a country reaches 90 percent vaccinated that doesn't mean… Read more Audio
$13m paid out of Lake Alice compensation fund
7:36 AM.Abuse survivors of the Lake Alice psychiatric institution got just a fraction of legal compensation that authorities expected they'd be required to pay out.
The government, then led by Jenny Shipley… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Extra staff recruiting shows preparation underway for endemic virus - nurses
7:25 AM.Auckland's Waitematā district health board is looking for 133 extra staff - including 21 intensive care nurses - to help it cope with Covid-19 in 2022.
The new roles give an idea of the scale of… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Tamakis claim they have been summoned by police
7:23 AM.A Destiny-Church-linked group that organises protests against vaccine mandates says Brian and Hannah Tamaki have been summoned to the Auckland Police station at 9.30am on Tuesday.
The couple have… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Auckland hairdressers raring to go
7:15 AM.Aucklanders with impulsively cut fringes or bargain dye kits may be eagerly ringing hairdressers and barbers this week, which are now allowed to open from Thursday.
The early opening is part of the… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Traffic lights on in 10 days
7:09 AM.It's lights on in 10 days for the next stage of the Covid-19 response - with the new traffic light system debuting on 3 December.
Many feel left in the dark about how exactly the framework will… Read more Audio
Business News for 23 November 2021
6:53 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
Justice expert on the role of race Kyle Rittenhouse trial
6:47 AM.The outcry from the Kyle Rittenhouse trial continues in the lead-up to a sit-down interview being aired on conservative news channel Fox News.
The eighteen-year-old was cleared of charges he faced… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Tourist hotspots on traffic light system
6:42 AM.Where towns and cities sit in the traffic light system will depend largely on local vaccination rates.
So where does that leave our two top tourist hotspots? Rotorua, which had more than three… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Aucklanders hype for haircuts
6:38 AM.Aucklanders can finally get a haircut this week as they get ready for life out of lockdown.
Along with the rest of the country the city will move into the new traffic light Covid-19 system at the end… Read more Audio
Early Sports News for Tuesday 23 November 2021
6:35 AM.A brief update from the RNZ sports team. Audio
Morning Rural News for 22 November 2021
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Early Business News for 23 November 2021
6:20 AM.A brief update from the business sector. Audio
Covid-19: Hospitality industry on traffic light announcement
6:13 AM.Auckland Restaurants and bars have to wait another week before that can open under the Traffic Light System.
The Restaurant Association is pleased there is clarity about a reopening date, but says 3… Read more Audio
Covid-19: Heart of the City on traffic light system move
6:09 AM.On 3 December, all of Aotearoa will move into the traffic light system, with Auckland entering at the Red stage.
The government will release detailed sector guidance this week so business and other… Read more Audio
Top Stories for Tuesday 23 November 2021
6:00 AM.Freedom for the fully vaccinated - the country will move into the new Covid-19 traffic light system in 10 days Aucklanders rejoice - your long locks can be lopped off from this Thursday A Destiny… Read more Audio